This has to be the number one St. Patrick’s Day activity out there: building a Leprechaun Trap! Have you ever wanted to catch a leprechaun? My son sure has! Kick-off your leprechaun trap building session by putting together a Leprechaun trap kit! A catch a leprechaun kit is really easy to make yourself, and we’ll give you a list of leprechaun trap supplies so you know what to have on hand. Join us this month for a STEM-inspired Countdown To St Patrick’s Day.


Why You Want To Get Kids Building A Leprechaun Trap

Leprechauns are an iconic theme for St Patrick’s Day. Usually, you see leprechauns as little bearded men wearing coats and hats who love to cause mischief. No, leprechauns are not real, but still, they are a fun way to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.

Here are some of the things your kids will get out of building a leprechaun trap:

Creativity and Fun

Building a leprechaun trap encourages creativity and imagination. Kids can develop inventive ideas for constructing their traps, considering elements like design, materials, and mechanisms to catch the elusive leprechaun.

The engineering design process is a great resource to check out!

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

Designing a leprechaun trap requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Children need to consider how to entice the leprechaun into the trap, what materials to use, and how to set up mechanisms to catch the leprechaun.

Fine Motor Skills

Designing and constructing a leprechaun trap involves using small tools, handling materials, and manipulating various objects. Great for developing fine motor skills!

Teamwork and Collaboration

Building a leprechaun trap can be a collaborative activity with siblings, friends, or classmates. Children can share ideas, delegate tasks, and experience the satisfaction of accomplishing a goal as a team.

Building a leprechaun trap is an excellent STEM activity for kids of multiple ages. It also makes a fun family-time activity or classroom project.

We will set our trap out the night before St. Patrick’s Day and see what happens! Check out our easy Leprechaun Traps post for some very clever design ideas to get in the mood!

Make it even easier for kids to catch a leprechaun by setting up a leprechaun trap kit ahead of time. See our suggestions below for what supplies to include.

Watch the Video:

Check out our Mini Leprechaun Trap and Garden in the video below:

Leprechaun Trap Ideas

It can be helpful to look at specific design ideas to help get you inspired. Don’t forget to grab the free printable leprechaun trap guide and signs below. Here are some ideas:

We built a LEGO leprechaun trap, but sadly, we did not catch a wee little fellow as my son had hoped. He started asking early this year about a new Leprechaun trap design. We discussed different ideas, and he devised a new plan. Use our STEM questions for reflection for your own discussion!

Make sure to check out our updated Leprechaun Trap Building Resource Here.


How To Make A Leprechaun Trap Kit

Once you have some ideas, you need to get to work gathering supplies. This is where the leprechaun trap kit comes in handy!

I created a tray filled with materials to help get him started. Our leprechaun trap bait is Skittles, but we will pick those up closer to St. Patrick’s Day eve. I imagine my little leprechaun or big leprechaun (husband) will have eaten them all by then if I buy them too soon.

Leprechaun Trap Kit Supplies

Containers: I set out a few different size boxes for him to test out including a shoebox, a tissue box, and an oatmeal container.

TIP: Make sure to take a look in the recycling bin, junk drawer, or craft draws if you have one for possible supplies! Or set out a box of LEGO and see what they come up with! See our LEGO leprechaun trap here.

  • Leprechaun’s Black Pot
  • Pipe Cleaners
  • Beads
  • Sticks
  • Cupcake Liners
  • Fake Gold Coins
  • Twine or Ribbon
  • Rainbow Popsicle Sticks
  • Shiny Green Craft Tape (or themed tapes)
  • Zip Ties
  • Small Clothes Line Pulley
  • Washers and Nuts
  • Measuring Tape
  • Level
  • Leprechaun Bait (see our suggestions below)
  • Leprechaun Trap Pack (included in our NEW St. Patricks Day STEM Pack)

NEW! Printable Leprechaun Trap Signs

Add one or all of these fun leprechaun trap decorating ideas to your STEM challenge! You can get these free pages along with the handy guide below.


FREE printable Leprechaun Trap Planning Guide!

New! Our free leprechaun trap challenge guide comes with fun printable signs (as shown above) and more to decorate your leprechaun trap.

What Is The Best Bait To Catch A Leprechaun?

Here are five suggestions for bait that kids can use when building a leprechaun trap. Of course, kids are free to come up with their own creative ideas as well!

Shiny Gold Coins

Leprechauns are often associated with pots of gold, so using shiny gold coins as bait can be very enticing. Kids can craft their own coins out of gold paper or use chocolate coins for a sweet treat.

Rainbow-colored Candy or Treats

Since leprechauns are said to hide their pots of gold at the end of rainbows, rainbow-colored candy or treats like skittles can be an appealing lure. Kids can arrange colorful candies or treats in and around the trap to attract the leprechaun.

Tiny Leprechaun-Sized Snacks

Kids can leave out small snacks that would be irresistible to leprechauns. Can you make miniature cookies, candies, or even tiny cupcakes that can serve as tempting bait for the elusive creatures?

Handwritten Notes or Drawings

Kids can write friendly notes or draw inviting pictures to entice the leprechaun to visit their trap. Leprechauns are often depicted as mischievous but friendly, so welcoming notes can make them feel invited.

Shiny Sequins or Glitter

Leprechauns are drawn to shiny and sparkly things. Kids can sprinkle sequins or glitter around the trap to catch the leprechaun’s attention. The sparkle and shine can make the trap seem magical and inviting.

Printable St Patrick’s Day STEM Pack

Get ready to catch a Leprechaun, explore fizzy pots, and dig for gold coin oobleck all while exploring simple science and engineering design process with the St Patrick’s Day STEM Pack!

Over 100 pages of easy to use STEM activities that will make your prep and planning time a cinch! Cheap supplies, easy to set up and clean up, and full of hands-on fun!

  • 25+ St. Patrick’s Day science activities and STEM projects kids that are easy to set up and fit into the time you have available even if it’s limited!
  • Printable leprechaun theme STEM activities that are simple but engaging for home or classroom. Perfect for K-2 and beyond but easily adaptable to many skill levels.

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  1. Hi Jennifer!

    I love your sight; I’m a science coordinator as well as a teacher, too. I can’t seem to find your free St. Patricks Say STEM cards to download. Am I missing something Do I need to purchase them instead?

