Science is a wonderful thing for kids! There is so much to learn and discover right around us. Many science concepts start in the kitchen with simple materials you already have on hand. Fill a plastic tote with easy-to-find supplies, and you will have a homemade science kit filled with learning opportunities that are sure to keep them busy all year long!

DIY science kit supplies listPin

DIY Science Experiments for Kids

We love simple science experiments you can do at home or in the classroom.  I wanted to assemble a kids’ science kit to show you how simple it is to try your own science experiments at home.

Most of our favorite science supplies for kids are super simple to find at the grocery store or dollar store, and you may already have many items at home. However, I have also added a few of our favorite science tools from Amazon. Read on to find out what to put in an at-home science kit.

Of course, water is an awesome material for science experiments. Make sure to try one of our awesome water science experiments! Grab a container and start filling it!

Join the Library Science Club

What’s our Library Club all about? How about fantastic, instant access downloads to instructions, photos, and templates (for less than a cup of coffee each month)? With just a mouse click, you can find the perfect experiment, activity, or demonstration right now. Learn more:

Click here to check out the Library Club today. Why not give it a try, you can cancel any time!

join the library science club herePin

What are DIY Science Kits?

While you can search Amazon for various pre-made science kits at various price points, there is so much you can do by making your own science kit.

A DIY science kit is something you assemble for home, school, or group use without buying a toy kit from a store that will only have a few limited activities. Our homemade science kits allow you to use everyday materials in various ways to create fun, engaging, and educational science experiments for kids in preschool right through middle school. Nothing fancy!

Find the best supplies for making your own science kit, simple science experiments, and additional science resources below.

Science Experiments by Age Group

While many experiments can work for various age groups, you will find the best science experiments for specific age groups below.

Grab the Free MEGA Supply List

Amazon Prime – Science Tools To Add

These are some of my favorite science tools for kids, whether you’re in the classroom, at home, or in a group or club setting. Fill out your science/STEM kit!

(Please note that all Amazon links below are affiliate links, meaning this website receives a small percentage of each sale.)

Although this is a science kit with experiments to try, I specifically like the test tubes that are supplied. Super easy to reuse!

Be Amazing! Toys Big Bag of...Shop on Amazon

A magnet set is a must-have addition to a science kit and pairs well with our magnet STEAM pack too!

EUDAX Labs Junior Science N...Shop on Amazon

Younger kiddos will get a ton of use out of this primary science kit! I know we used our set for years!

Learning Resources Primary ...Shop on Amazon

Snap Circuits Jr is a fantastic way to explore electricity and electronics with curious kiddos!


Introduce a microscope to curious kids who always want to look a little bit closer!

AmScope 120X-1200X 52-pcs K...Shop on Amazon

Science Experiment Suggestions

Below you’ll find some of our favorite science activities that go along with materials from our homemade science kit list. The supplies below are some of the most common materials we always have on hand.


Start off your homemade science kit with a fizz and a pop!  We love using Alka seltzer tablets in our homemade lava lamps to make these awesome pop rockets.



Baking soda, along with vinegar is one item for your science kit, that you will want to use again and again.  A baking soda and vinegar reaction is a classic science experiment and we have so many variations for you to try!

Baking soda is also an ingredient in our popular fluffy slime recipe!

Here are a few of our favorites…

Check out all our baking soda science experiments!



Borax powder is a versatile item in your DIY science kit.  Use it to make borax slime, or  experiment with growing your own borax crystals.

Check out these fun variations for growing crystals…


Who would have thought that candy and science go together?  We even have a bunch of edible slime recipes or taste-safe slime for kids to make and play with.

Candy you could include in your DIY science kit:

Candy Experiments


Coffee filters are inexpensive and fun to include in your homemade kit. Combine art and solubility science with these easy ideas…

coffee filter flowers suppliesPin


Use cotton balls to explore water absorption for a simple DIY science experiment.


Oil is a great household item to include in your DIY science kit.  Why not make a Lava Lamp with oil and water, and learn about density simultaneously?  Or even make waves in a bottle.

add food coloringPin


Cornstarch is an awesome item to have on hand in your kids’ science kit.  Mix some cornstarch and water to make oobleck, and explore non-Newtonian fluids!

Also, check out these activities with cornstarch…

adding green water to cornstarch to make oobleck recipePin


Corn syrup is great for adding to density layer experiments like this one.


Try our classic Magic Milk Experiment with this DIY science kit item. It’s also a fun item to have on hand for extra foam with a baking soda volcano.


Food coloring is such a versatile item to include in your science kit.  Add color when making slime, or oobleck, even to a baking soda and vinegar experiment or ocean sensory bottle…  The options are endless!


The key ingredient in our expanding ivory soap experiment.

13. SALT

Salt is another must-have item for kids to add to your DIY science kit.  Substitute salt for borax powder, as we did, to grow salt crystals



Shaving foam is a must-have ingredient for making the fluffiest slime!  Check out the best fluffy slime recipe of all time!

adding shaving cream to bowl for fluffy slimePin


Sugar, like salt, is another DIY science kit item that is great for experiments with water.  Why not make a rainbow in a jar or explore which solids dissolve in water.


Vinegar is another common must-have household item to add to your science kit.  Combine vinegar with baking soda (see above) for lots of fizzing fun or use it on its own! 

More Ways to Use Vinegar in Experiments:



PVA glue is one of your must-have slime ingredients for making homemade slime.  Clear glue, white glue or glitter glue, each one gives you a different type of slime.

Glow In The Dark Glue Slime

Add Cheap Science Tools to Your Science Kit

Our kids’ science kit is also filled with tools and necessary equipment. Dollar store cookie sheets, muffin trays, ice cube trays, and small ramekins are always used to contain the mess, test liquids, sort items, and freeze ice!

A cheap bow, a set of measuring spoons and cups, big spoons, and

I usually always set out a magnifying glass and often a hand mirror. We use tweezers and eye droppers often as well. No kid’s science kit is complete without a pair of safety goggles!

You can check out more about the science tools we use here!

More Helpful Science Resources

The following resources feature fantastic printables to add to your DIY science kit or science lesson plans!


It is never too early to introduce some fantastic science words to kids. Get them started with a printable science vocabulary word list. You’re definitely going to want to incorporate these science terms into your next science lesson!


Think like a scientist! Act like a scientist! Scientists like you and me are also curious about the world around them. Learn about the different types of scientists and what they do to increase their understanding of their areas of interest. Read What Is A Scientist


A new approach to teaching science is called Best Science Practices. These eight science and engineering practices are less structured and allow for a more freeflowing approach to problem-solving and finding answers. These skills are critical to developing future engineers, inventors, and scientists!


Click below to grab our free science challenge calendar and guide to our best science experiments for kids!

Click below to get your quick and easy science challenge activities. 


  1. Pingback: Christmas Science Experiments Printable Cards for 12 Days of Christmas
  2. Science and water experiment is wonderful concept for kid. All handmade science experiment, kid can easily learn and make their own. They can really enjoy when they will do.

  3. Pingback: Monthly STEM Activities Calendars for Kids (Free Printable Calendars)

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