10 Things I Bet You Didn’t Know About Me
Before I was a stay at home mom, I was a fitness professional running up to 60 miles a week while training clients 25 hours a week. I had my own studio too.
Now I am training to be a competitive power lifter. My goal is to dead lift 300lbs!
I have been with my husband for 16 years and we have been married 11 years!
I must have made at home big cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee every morning with almond milk. It’s the first thing I do when I wake up. No matter how hot it is outside, I have hot coffee.
I eat Paleo strictly or Primal. No starches. Little fruit. Lots of coconut oil and organic or natural meat and vegetables! No cookies or cakes unless I can figure out how to make them without flour and I am not a great baker!
I am addicted to Cashews! I could eat a whole jar of nut or seed butter in one sitting (maybe a pint of ben and jerry’s too) No joke!
I love hiking, camping and the general outdoors and woods. My husband and I have hiked many of the high peaks in the Adirondaks, but we still have a few more!
I wear sweatpants all the time.
10 Things You Might Not Know About Liam
He is the only one in the family with blue eyes.
He has a dirty, smelly polar bear he can’t live without.
His favorite thing is to go to a playground and play with other kids.
He can get dressed all by himself but has no fashion sense!
He rides a yellow school bus to school and loves every minute of it.
He likes to say “I love you more”.
He is most definitely not shy or introverted like his mother and can make friends anywhere!
He loves to go on adventures (but only for the day)!
He will sit and read books with me all day but can’t stop moving otherwise.
He says just about the same thing at the same time everyday and yes that means he is mostly predictable and flexibly, inflexible!
Liam also has Aspergers, ADHD, and SPD. I didn’t include these because they don’t really make who he is to us. However, the diagnoses are the reason for this blog in the first place! We work hard together to make each day work, to learn, and to grow together. Some days are near impossible and some days are wonderful, but they all have their silver lining. Liam attends preschool in an inclusive classroom for now and has ABA therapy several times a week at home. As you can tell we do a lot of sensory play and hands-on learning activities!